UPDATE: UBIK on the HoloLens

UPDATE: UBIK on the HoloLens

Exploring new horizons! Find our new Video on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gT-KN1aj6I4

A first version of UBIK is already running on the HoloLens®, enabling this exciting device with the full range of UBIK’s powerful feature set. Whether it’s the live values from your DCS system, the diagrams from your CAE software, the work package from the CMMS or some ERP data – everything that is consolidated by UBIK can be used in Mixed Reality and interact with the real world!

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  Exchange, discussion, workshops and lectures by industry representatives: The B&R User Meeting will take place in Salzburg on September 22 and 23, 2015! This year's main topics include Industry 4.0 and how to deal with the increasing complexity of...

Maintain 2014

    After a one-year break, it is finally time again: Many experts from the industry are expected in Munich from the 3rd to the 6th of June, visiting the Maintain 2014 to see the newest trends, developments and innovations regarding industrial maintenance....

UBIK with SAP-Integration – Definitely no fake news!

    Our latest videos demonstrate how UBIK can be utilized in a chemical production facility for conducting inspection tasks and creating notifications. The UBIK Server is connected to SAP and transfers notifications, including captured media, to SAP PM...

Field Service & Utility Workshop 2015

  Discuss and experience in an exclusive round about reliable mobile computing with complete solutions for rough environments - that's the Field Service & Utility Workshop organized by Panasonic. Among the informative program also Augmensys will present and...

3. VDI Fachkonferenz
6. – 7. September 2018, München
…Augmented und Virtual Reality als Smart Assistance

Chemical Enterprise 4.0
29. November 2017
… Digitalisierung in der Chemieindustrie

> alle Termine


Augmensys GmbH

Lakeside B01
9020 Klagenfurt | Österreich

+43 660 70 80 805

Augmensys GmbH
Development Branch

Hafenstraße 47-51
4020 Linz | Österreich

+43 732 9015 5520

Augmensys Deutschland GmbH

Loher Straße 1
58332 Schwelm | Deutschland

+49 2336 474 820

Desenvolvimento de Software Ltda

Rua Lanciano, 60, Jardim Suzana
São Paulo 04784-190 | Brasilien

+55 11 98596 7860

Augmensys GmbH

Lakeside B01
9020 Klagenfurt | Österreich

+43 660 70 80 805

Augmensys GmbH
Development Branch

Hafenstraße 47-51
4020 Linz | Österreich

+43 732 9015 5520

Augmensys Deutschland GmbH

Loher Straße 1
58332 Schwelm | Deutschland

+49 2336 474 820

Desenvolvimento de Software Ltda

Rua Lanciano, 60, Jardim Suzana
São Paulo 04784-190 | Brasilien

+55 11 98596 7860

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3. VDI Fachkonferenz
6. – 7. September 2018, München
…Augmented und Virtual Reality als Smart Assistance

Chemical Enterprise 4.0
29. November 2017
… Digitalisierung in der Chemieindustrie

> alle Termine


Augmensys GmbH

Lakeside B01
9020 Klagenfurt | Österreich

+43 660 70 80 805

Augmensys GmbH
Development Branch

Hafenstraße 47-51
4020 Linz | Österreich

+43 732 9015 5520

Augmensys Deutschland GmbH

Loher Straße 1
58332 Schwelm | Deutschland

+49 2336 474 820

Desenvolvimento de Software Ltda

Rua Lanciano, 60, Jardim Suzana
São Paulo 04784-190 | Brasilien

+55 11 98596 7860

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UBIK and the HoloLens

UBIK and the HoloLens

Admittedly, the combination of UBIK® and Hololens® does not seem to be very reasonable at first glance. Especially because we promote solutions for industrial applications, that work even under the harshest conditions. 

The HoloLens® is surely labelled with many attributes these days, but industry-proof is hardly among them.

The second glance

However, on a second glance, it looks a bit different. Firstly, there are areas or periods in the plant-lifecycle that don’t require special certifications such as ATEX etc., even in the process-industry,  which can be defined as our core-industry. Secondly, the past year also marked a broadening of our clientele  beyond the process-industry and today we also count companies from mechanical-engineering and automotive-supply-industries among our customers. And last but not least, we just recently switched our Windows client to the new Universal Windows platform (UWP), which is also the basis for Hololens applications.

Strengths and weaknesses

It turned out that there are enough reasons to take a closer look at Hololens- and this is exactly what we started a few months ago. The first tests were quite impressive, especially the environmental mapping is to be emphasized. That’s already pretty nice on its own, but at the status quo there isn’t a real customer benefit. After all, everything the user can do (e.g. placing applications or holograms in the room) is designed to work within a very limited radius around him, and also tied to the WiFi router – let’s face it, neither the radii are restricted in our plants (actually its quite the opposite) nor can we rely on WiFi, because most of the time the user works completely offline.

The combination

But if one combines what the HoloLens can do well, namely tracking at close range, with the information UBIK already provides, a number of productive applications emerge immediately.

UBIK usually knows the complete data model of a system and often the objects within are already tagged with absolute position information (geo-data). UBIK objects and structures also have the profitable ability to hold an arbitrary amount of additional information, and that could also be the mapping information generated by the Hololens, the so-called Spaces.

Now, UBIK could take over the rough positioning on the Hololens, which is already done today through GPS/sensors or geographic markers. With this information, the Hololens will automatically be supplied with the respective relevant space and will therefore be able to fully exploit its strengths at close range. The result? The closer the user moves to his target object, the more accurate the tracking will be, just as it should be; and the positive side effect: the Hololens is suddenly fully offline-capable, because it takes advantage of all features of the UBIK platform.

How far away we are from that? Not far, stay tuned and be surprised!


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HMI – The World’s leading trade show for industrial technology

  Augmensys is not to be missed at the world's largest trade fair for industrial technology.  Alexander Mankel, CEO of Augmensys Germany and Helmut Guggenbichler, CEO of Augmensys Austria, and our Actemium partners will be present at the fair from 24th - 27th...

Augmensys and Microsoft – a Silver Shining Partnership

    Microsoft and Augmensys began their relationship as development co-operation in 2013. The first common goal was to make Augmented Reality work on the briefly before published Windows 8 platform for Enterprise and industrial customers. Therefore, UBIK was...

UBIK 3 – Launch

    In just a few days, UBIK 3 will be officially available to all our customers. This is a big milestone for us and in the following we want to summarize the most important changes that come with this version. SmartModelling UBIK 3 will introduce a whole...

3. VDI Fachkonferenz
6. – 7. September 2018, München
…Augmented und Virtual Reality als Smart Assistance

Chemical Enterprise 4.0
29. November 2017
… Digitalisierung in der Chemieindustrie

> alle Termine


Augmensys GmbH

Lakeside B01
9020 Klagenfurt | Österreich

+43 660 70 80 805

Augmensys GmbH
Development Branch

Hafenstraße 47-51
4020 Linz | Österreich

+43 732 9015 5520

Augmensys Deutschland GmbH

Loher Straße 1
58332 Schwelm | Deutschland

+49 2336 474 820

Desenvolvimento de Software Ltda

Rua Lanciano, 60, Jardim Suzana
São Paulo 04784-190 | Brasilien

+55 11 98596 7860

Augmensys GmbH

Lakeside B01
9020 Klagenfurt | Österreich

+43 660 70 80 805

Augmensys GmbH
Development Branch

Hafenstraße 47-51
4020 Linz | Österreich

+43 732 9015 5520

Augmensys Deutschland GmbH

Loher Straße 1
58332 Schwelm | Deutschland

+49 2336 474 820

Desenvolvimento de Software Ltda

Rua Lanciano, 60, Jardim Suzana
São Paulo 04784-190 | Brasilien

+55 11 98596 7860

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3. VDI Fachkonferenz
6. – 7. September 2018, München
…Augmented und Virtual Reality als Smart Assistance

Chemical Enterprise 4.0
29. November 2017
… Digitalisierung in der Chemieindustrie

> alle Termine


Augmensys GmbH

Lakeside B01
9020 Klagenfurt | Österreich

+43 660 70 80 805

Augmensys GmbH
Development Branch

Hafenstraße 47-51
4020 Linz | Österreich

+43 732 9015 5520

Augmensys Deutschland GmbH

Loher Straße 1
58332 Schwelm | Deutschland

+49 2336 474 820

Desenvolvimento de Software Ltda

Rua Lanciano, 60, Jardim Suzana
São Paulo 04784-190 | Brasilien

+55 11 98596 7860

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