Cooperation with Microsoft

Cooperation with Microsoft

Augmensys and Microsoft launch cooperation in the field of Augmented Reality (AR) for enterprise customers. The objective is to establish this progressive technology in the process- and manufacturing industry and its suppliers, since both partners see mobile use of valuable data on the verge of becoming a competitive advantage for companies in this space.

Augmented Reality for Windows 8 Devices

As a first result, Augmensys will henceforth develop and offer its industrial Augmented Reality solution UBIK for Windows 8 based devices.

Existing UBIK customers will also benefit from the new partnership, since the Windows 8 platform will significantly extend the range of available rugged devices with numerous products from independent hardware vendors. Besides that, UBIK for Windows 8 will allow a far deeper integration between client and server, the latter being already based on Microsoft technology. This will result in unique new features on the mobile device, but also enable a comprehensive use of Windows Azure cloud services.

„For the process- and manufacturing industries this cooperation marks the fulfilling of a long-cherished wish: making our technology available in the market-leading B2B ecosystem. In contrast to the B2C arena, industrial mobile applications and their operating systems need to excel in reliability and maintainability, while providing high investment security – those are exactly the domains where Microsoft is setting the standards for decades now.” explains Juergen Kneidinger, CEO of Augmensys.

“We do see Augmented Reality as one of the key technology to simplify industrial processes radically. For us as the market leader it is simply not enough to look into innovations only from perspectives that grant high public visibility. Our customers demand that we constantly extract, push and package value-creating innovations into enterprise-proof solutions. Augmensys is a partner that thinks alike, and this is why the overlap of our visions is very high.” comments Christian Bartl, Member of the board at Microsoft Austria, on the background of the collaboration.

Successful Turnaround-Project with UBIK and Primavera

    Anyone who has ever had the privilege to gain an insight into a turnaround project of a process plant, knows that it is kind of the supreme discipline in terms of project management and execution. To minimize production downtime, the thousands of tasks...

UBIK@HxGN|Live, Las Vegas

    Great products need great stages and there’s hardly a greater stage on earth than MGM’s Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. Don’t miss the chance to meet us at the annual Hexagon conference HxGN|Live from June 1st to June 4th. There you will not...

Augmensys | Born Global Champion 2016

    As a part of the Export Days hosted by the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO) on June 21st, 55 young Austrian companies were awarded as "Born Global Champions". The Award was handed over from State Secretary Harald Mahrer and WKO President Christoph Leitl...

Viva Las Vegas

    We had the great opportunity to display UBIK’s capabilities live in Las Vegas from June 1st to June 4th, when we were invited to the annual HxGN|Live conference of Hexagon. Over 3500 attendees from more than 70 countries came to Nevada to learn about...

3. VDI Fachkonferenz
6. – 7. September 2018, München
…Augmented und Virtual Reality als Smart Assistance

Chemical Enterprise 4.0
29. November 2017
… Digitalisierung in der Chemieindustrie

> alle Termine


Augmensys GmbH

Lakeside B01
9020 Klagenfurt | Austria

+43 660 70 80 805

Augmensys GmbH
Development Branch

Hafenstraße 47-51
4020 Linz | Austria

+43 732 9015 5520

Augmensys Deutschland GmbH

Loher Straße 1
58332 Schwelm | Germany

+49 2336 474 820

Desenvolvimento de Software Ltda

Rua Lanciano, 60, Jardim Suzana
São Paulo 04784-190 | Brazil

+55 11 98596 7860

Augmensys GmbH

Lakeside B01
9020 Klagenfurt | Austria

+43 660 70 80 805

Augmensys GmbH
Development Branch

Hafenstraße 47-51
4020 Linz | Austria

+43 732 9015 5520

Augmensys Deutschland GmbH

Loher Straße 1
58332 Schwelm | Germany

+49 2336 474 820

Desenvolvimento de Software Ltda

Rua Lanciano, 60, Jardim Suzana
São Paulo 04784-190 | Brazil

+55 11 98596 7860

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3. VDI Fachkonferenz
6. – 7. September 2018, München
…Augmented und Virtual Reality als Smart Assistance

Chemical Enterprise 4.0
29. November 2017
… Digitalisierung in der Chemieindustrie

> alle Termine


Augmensys GmbH

Lakeside B01
9020 Klagenfurt | Austria

+43 660 70 80 805

Augmensys GmbH
Development Branch

Hafenstraße 47-51
4020 Linz | Austria

+43 732 9015 5520

Augmensys Deutschland GmbH

Loher Straße 1
58332 Schwelm | Germany

+49 2336 474 820

Desenvolvimento de Software Ltda

Rua Lanciano, 60, Jardim Suzana
São Paulo 04784-190 | Brazil

+55 11 98596 7860

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