TAR – Turnarounds, Plant Shutdowns & Revisions

TAR – Turnarounds, Plant Shutdowns & Revisions


The TAR 2023: Turnarounds, Plant Shutdowns, Revisions, on March 7th & 8th in Potsdam is the largest event on shutdown management in the German-speaking region and offers us a platform to also specifically exchange information with you on trends, innovations and best practices.

Our CEO Helmut will be on site to present the benefits of our latest product UBIK MaTaP. Digital wallpapers, on-site documentation and precise progress monitoring are just a few of them and make UBIK® a competent turnaround partner.

We are looking forward to meeting you!


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UBIK Guide in use at Wien Energie

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UBIK in the Tyra Redevelopment Project (TRP)

    The Project: UBIK Solutions ApS, trusted partner of Augmensys in the Nordic region, was awarded the contract for a mobile solution for offshore Maintenance and Inspection, as part of the Tyra Redevelopment Project (TRP). UBIK offers a platform that is...

B&R User Meeting 2015

  Exchange, discussion, workshops and lectures by industry representatives: The B&R User Meeting will take place in Salzburg on September 22 and 23, 2015! This year's main topics include Industry 4.0 and how to deal with the increasing complexity of...

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+43 660 70 80 805

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+43 660 70 80 812

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