Viva Las Vegas

Viva Las Vegas

We had the great opportunity to display UBIK’s capabilities live in Las Vegas from June 1st to June 4th, when we were invited to the annual HxGN|Live conference of Hexagon.
Over 3500 attendees from more than 70 countries came to Nevada to learn about true innovation, and this is why UBIK fit so perfectly in this well-organized event. But UBIK and Augmensys did not only appear in a meaningful use case during Wednesday’s keynote on the grand stage, we were also getting tremendous attention during three consecutive days of exhibition in the Marquee Ballroom.

Some footage about our appearances can be found here:


Interview in the exhibition area (Minute 25:00 to 26:30):

Thank you to all our visitors for the interest you showed in our products and thank you to Hexagon for having us at your amazing event!


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3. VDI Fachkonferenz
6. – 7. September 2018, München
…Augmented und Virtual Reality als Smart Assistance

Chemical Enterprise 4.0
29. November 2017
… Digitalisierung in der Chemieindustrie

> alle Termine


Augmensys GmbH

Lakeside B01
9020 Klagenfurt | Österreich

+43 660 70 80 805

Augmensys GmbH
Development Branch

Hafenstraße 47-51
4020 Linz | Österreich

+43 732 9015 5520

Augmensys Deutschland GmbH

Loher Straße 1
58332 Schwelm | Deutschland

+49 2336 474 820

Desenvolvimento de Software Ltda

Rua Lanciano, 60, Jardim Suzana
São Paulo 04784-190 | Brasilien

+55 11 98596 7860

Augmensys GmbH

Lakeside B01
9020 Klagenfurt | Österreich

+43 660 70 80 805

Augmensys GmbH
Development Branch

Hafenstraße 47-51
4020 Linz | Österreich

+43 732 9015 5520

Augmensys Deutschland GmbH

Loher Straße 1
58332 Schwelm | Deutschland

+49 2336 474 820

Desenvolvimento de Software Ltda

Rua Lanciano, 60, Jardim Suzana
São Paulo 04784-190 | Brasilien

+55 11 98596 7860

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3. VDI Fachkonferenz
6. – 7. September 2018, München
…Augmented und Virtual Reality als Smart Assistance

Chemical Enterprise 4.0
29. November 2017
… Digitalisierung in der Chemieindustrie

> alle Termine


Augmensys GmbH

Lakeside B01
9020 Klagenfurt | Österreich

+43 660 70 80 805

Augmensys GmbH
Development Branch

Hafenstraße 47-51
4020 Linz | Österreich

+43 732 9015 5520

Augmensys Deutschland GmbH

Loher Straße 1
58332 Schwelm | Deutschland

+49 2336 474 820

Desenvolvimento de Software Ltda

Rua Lanciano, 60, Jardim Suzana
São Paulo 04784-190 | Brasilien

+55 11 98596 7860

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