Customerday 2019 | A NEW ERA OF UBIK STARTS NOW

Customerday 2019 | A NEW ERA OF UBIK STARTS NOW

The Augmensys Customer Day took place on 12 September 2019 in Klagenfurt, in the atmospheric ambience of the Schleppe brewery.

Customer presentations were held by renown companies Wacker AG, Borealis Polymere GmbH, Kärnten Netz GmbH and Dürr Systems GmbH. As a further highlight, Augmensys presented its latest developments, like the all new Cross-platform client, as well as the new UBIK Studio.

The numerous speeches inspired our guests and ourselves for a lively exchange of experience and ideas around UBIK.

On behalf of the whole Augmensys team, we would like to thank all participants and hardworking helpers!

We are looking forward to seeing you again at the next customer day!


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Alena Helm | Augmensys GmbH

Augmensys GmbH

Christian Robin & Helmut Guggenbichler | Augmensys GmbH

Helmut Guggenbichler | Augmensys GmbH

i. safe MOBILE

Reiner Brunnhuber & Daniel Schimpf | Wacker AG

Jürgen Kneidinger | Augmensys GmbH

i. safe MOBILE

Alfred Feldmeier | Borealis Polymere GmbH

Alfred Feldmeier | Borealis Polymere GmbH

Stefan Gunzert | Dürr Systems GmbH

Stefan Gunzert | Dürr Systems GmbH

Office Management & Marketing | Augmensys GmbH

guided tour of the Schleppe brewery

Schleppe Brewery

Schleppe Brewery


Augmensys GmbH

Schleppe Platz 5, 2/3
9020 Klagenfurt | Österreich

+43 660 70 80 805

Augmensys GmbH
Development Branch

Lastenstraße 38, EG
4020 Linz | Österreich

+43 660 70 80 812

Augmensys Deutschland GmbH

Loher Straße 1
58332 Schwelm | Deutschland

+49 2336 474 820

Desenvolvimento de Software Ltda

Rua Lanciano, 60, Jardim Suzana
São Paulo 04784-190 | Brasilien

+55 11 98596 7860