Latest iOS and Android release in the Stores!

Latest iOS and Android release in the Stores!


Our team is constantly striving to improve UBIK and adapt it even better to the needs of our customers. Therefore, we are very proud to present our new version of the iOS and Android client.


  • Location- and marker-based Augmented Reality (AR)
  • AR-Routing (Navigation)
  • AR marker grouping, to enable an infinite number of markers
  • Maps with layouts, levels, groups
  • Server-deployable UI Customizings
  • Enhanced Annotation- and Redlining features
  • Full Android X and iOS 14 support
  • Improved stability, performance and memory consumption

Go and download the Clients on Apple AppStore or Google PlayStore and stay tuned, because there is more to come!

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Augmensys GmbH

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+43 660 70 80 812

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