Augmensys is among the top 20% of 3000 evaluated start-ups!

Augmensys is among the top 20% of 3000 evaluated start-ups!

We are proud to announce, that Early Metrics rated Augmensys as one of the Top 20% Start-Ups of more than 3000 other Companys!

A big Thank You to our team and all the hard work they’ve done so far.

Let’s keep up the good spirit.

Countdown to UBIK 3 – first Beta version is available!

    It’s one of the biggest projects in our still young company history and we’re getting closer to revealing the results. Almost two years ago we launched a concept called “SmartModeler” and the idea was plain and simple: the design of complex data models...

Partnership with PerfectProjects

    Following preliminary meetings at the HXGN live event in Las Vegas in June 2015, PerfectProjects Inc., based in Houston Texas and Augmensys GmbH have signed a partnership agreement. The scope of the agreement includes software sales and distribution and...

TD|IKT Kärnten 2018 – Augmensys dominates the category “Mobile Application”

    The TD|IKT competition, organized by the Carinthian Economic Development Fund (KWF), once again this year called for the submission of the most innovative projects in the field of technological services, as well as information and communication...

UBIK Guide in use at Wien Energie

 As part of the pilot project in cooperation with our partner WienEnergie, the newly developed possibilities of UBIK Guide for Mixed Reality guidance within critical activities such as the activation of plant components in the Flötzersteig and Arsenal power...

Augmensys GmbH

Schleppe Platz 5, 2/3
9020 Klagenfurt | Österreich

+43 660 70 80 805

Augmensys GmbH
Development Branch

Lastenstraße 38, EG
4020 Linz | Österreich

+43 660 70 80 812

Augmensys Deutschland GmbH

Loher Straße 1
58332 Schwelm | Deutschland

+49 2336 474 820

Desenvolvimento de Software Ltda

Rua Lanciano, 60, Jardim Suzana
São Paulo 04784-190 | Brasilien

+55 11 98596 7860